How to Care for your Farm-Grown fresh Christmas tree
Posted in Christmas Trees by freechristmaswallpapers
It is worth remembering that half a Christmas trees cut weight is water and so to keep it at its best you need to keep it well watered. If it has been outside and is being moved inside, then it will tend to dry out because of the increase in heat and so regular watering is extremely important.
There are many types of stands or containers but the traditional, reservoir type are the best because they keep the tree at its freshest. However, before putting it in the stand, cut the base, about half an inch should be enough, completely flat. This gets rid of the old dry bit on the bottom and will allow the tree to take up more water. Try not to buy a stand which is too small so you have to cut the tree to fit in it as this will reduce its ability to take up the water. Do not cut it in a point or angle because it will not take up water so well. Make sure the stand can hold enough water for your tree type. It should hold one quart of water for each inch of stem diameter.
Get the tree in to water as soon as possible as they can only take up water 6-8 hours after cutting, any longer and this ability will be reduced. Treat the cut surface with care as any damage will reduce the ability to take up water. Water the tree daily if necessary and check water levels regularly as once its dried out it will start to die.
If you do not have a stand, you can plunge the cut trunk in a bucket of cold water for a few days in a cool place and it should be fine. Even when you put it inside keep it away from heat such as sunlight, heaters or fires because it will take up more water and is also more likely to drop needles or die off.
When choosing Christmas Lights for the tree try to get small ones which do not produce too much heat as this could dry out the tree. Turn them off when you are out or in bed and make sure you check them before placing on the tree.
If you have chosen a Christmas tree with roots then there are a few other things to think about. Make sure that you get a tree which adapts well to the climate of where you live. Keep the tree sheltered from freezing temperatures but do not allow it to get too hot either. It will need plenty of water. If you have the tree in the house then wrap the root ball to protect it, keep it well watered and when putting it outside make sure you place in an outdoor shed for a while first so it gets used to the climate change. When planing out, keep the root ball solid and stake it so that it doesn’t blow over.
The roots can be very heavy and so rooted trees are much more difficult to manoeuvre than trees without roots.
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